Today we will look at how to specify a Task for one of your colleagues.

A Task can be anything from a remark to an important issue associated with a CASE.

These Tasks are displayed on the recipients screen. Outstanding, incomplete Tasks to be completed on or before

the current day are sent as an email at the beginning of the day.  

The complete list of Tasks can be displayed in the Frequent Tasks – View My Tasks


On all screens you will see in the top left hand corner 4 icons:

The second one with a blue background Assigns a Task.


All the registered Users of the TLA are listed for you to choose the recipient(s) of the Task,

you specify The Due Date of the task and its priority. If the Task is related to a specific CASE then by

clicking on the “Select related case file” you can identify the CASE in question.

Should you wish to dictate your task you can click on Record Audio and start your dictation.  

On receiving the Task, the recipient will be able to listen to the recording. 
When you are happy with the content of the Task click Assign Task.


When displaying an individual CASE you can also generate a Task by clicking the top right Cog icon


This will display the Task Assignment Dialog with the current CASE already loaded into the “Related Case” field.

On receipt of a new Task number in the “Access Task Management” in the header bar will increment by 1 and

the recipient will be made aware that a new task has arrived. Clicking on this will take you to a display of your Tasks.

The initial display of your Task Management screen displays only the Outstanding Tasks to be completed.

You can view All Tasks, complete and incomplete, by selecting “Show All” in the drop down selection box

under “Due Date”. Any newly arrived Unread Tasks are displayed with a yellow background.